With the new year comes new endeavors. We are happy to announce our membership with AriSEIA, the Arizona Solar Energy Industries Association.

AriSEIA’s mission is to develop and support policies which create opportunities to advance Arizona’s economy through solar energy.  AriSEIA advocates for sustainable job creation in deployment of solar and complementary technologies, and collaborates with all stakeholders to encourage utilization of Arizona’s greatest natural resource: the sun.

AriSEIA: About Us

Supporting Solar Energy

If it’s one thing Arizona has a lot of, it’s the sun (also cactus and ants…SO many ants). AriSEIA works hard to move solar energy forward on all fronts including working with the Arizona Corporation Commission to develop standards that support a clean, solar future. Not only are we excited to be around such inspirational, hard-working people but also hope to provide assistance in making their message clear and far-reaching.

Curious About Solar?

If you’re interested in finding out more about solar energy in Arizona, make sure you visit their website. Learn about Solar Energy, Solar Thermal and Battery Storage to see if these are solutions that could work for you. You can also search their database to find electricians, solar installers and plenty of other eco-minded businesses who care about our energy future. Gone are the days of unattainable, expensive adoption of solar energy. Members would be happy to share with you options for going solar!

What’s Next?

Coming up in May, Steady Glow Digital will be attending the 2019 Arizona Energy Future Conference, here in Phoenix, AZ. We’ll share with you some of the insights, innovation and frustrations of moving forward into a new energy economy. Check back in May for more information. Or, subscribe to our newsletter to keep up to date with news in sustainability and eco marketing tips.