Everyone is struggling right now, including your home improvement company. Whether you work in new solar installations, air conditioner service, plumbing or other services, you can likely feel how homeowners are holding on to their cash right now. This may be the case for many, but not all homeowners. A large portion of the workforce is still working and stay at home orders have them looking at their homes like never before. Small annoyances with something in the house not working has now become a glaring problem. Basically, homeowners who can afford it are looking to make some improvements. How can you tastefully approach these potential customers for services that could generate good leads for the future? We have a few digital marketing ideas that can help.
Offer a Package Deal
Do your home improvement company services include regularly-scheduled maintenance? Now is a great time to offer a buy “blank” get “blank” free kind of offer. You will provide value for your cash-strapped customers who are scared to think about what they can’t afford later plus keep your business running with money now and guaranteed work for the future. This could also attract new customers you didn’t have before who will become great leads once (hopefully) our health crisis and economy has settled down.
Offer Something Small Now to Lead into Something Larger Later
Knowing that few people are able to spend on big-ticket services right now, consider offering scaled-down, smaller services that will help you keep your virtual doors open. Even if they might be small jobs, they could keep you busy, generate a little income and MOST IMPORTANTLY, create a connection with some new customers. Many companies that are surviving during this time are doing so because they have pivoted their offerings to address current limitations.
Be sure to get these new leads signed up for your email list so you can tastefully reach out later about additional services. Since trust is such a huge part of having a home improvement company walk (safely and social-distantly) through a person’s door, you will encourage a connection that gives you an advantage to working with them more later.
Utilize Affordable, Targeted Social Media Ads
We understand there isn’t much capital available to you at the moment. That’s why testing out a few social media ads is a low-risk way to get some attention. Digital marketing ideas like this one can get you noticed and help generate some leads. It gives you some ground to stand on.
- Decide on what you’re offering. Keep it simple and clear so there is no confusion.
- Select a relevant image that is eye-catching. If you’re hung up on this, think about what catches YOUR eye when you glance at or decide to click on an ad.
- Decide how much you want to spend. You could do as little as a dollar or two a day. Usually, Facebook guides you into a recommended daily spend.
- Utilize Facebook’s extensive filtering capabilities to create a targeted group that is interested in what you’re offering.
- Be sure to set a defined time span for your ad. There is a checkbox on Facebook ads that can have you doing a daily spend indefinitely. To just try it out, set a short span like 7-10 days.
- If all of this seems too much to handle, contact us. We’re offering a great deal with Steady Glow Digital Vouchers right now. You basically get twice the work for your money.
Reach Out to Your Mailing List
So how do you SHARE all of these great plans you’ve created? This is exactly the moment you’ve been waiting for to get in contact with that big list of emails you’ve gathered for years but never had the time to email! Just being a voice looking to connect with existing and potential customers is reassuring and might be the lifeline you need. If you don’t have your email marketing set up yet, you can start a free account with Mailchimp or Constant Contact. As long as your customers provide you their emails willingly like through a paper sign up list at a trade show, you are free to add them to your email marketing list. If getting set up on email marketing seems too intimidating, we can help with that, too (with aforementioned, affordable vouchers).
Yes, things are a little touchy right now, but that doesn’t mean it’s a dead end. Staying adaptable and flexing with the circumstances will benefit you and your home improvement company in the long run. Even if your business is slow, that gives you a little more time to devise some new digital marketing ideas that just might end up pointing you in a whole new direction.