Welcome to the new and improved Steady Glow! After providing full digital marketing services for over four years, we have transitioned to focus on creating meaningful online content for small businesses and providing sustainable marketing solutions to help reduce marketing waste. Having worked in design and marketing for over 20 years, I’ve become tired of … Read More
Ways to Reduce Waste While You’re Stuck at Home
Staying focused on ourselves and our homes can have a simplifying effect that makes us reconsider our past habits. With fewer distractions and consumer options, it has become easier to reduce waste in our daily lives. Try some of these changes!
Holiday Party Planning the Low-waste Way
Whether it’s for Christmas, year-end, New Year’s or any other festive occasion, holiday party planning doesn’t have to end up with a big pile of trash at the end! Make your party full of gorgeous decorations, memorable foods and easy clean-up, all without throwing anything away.
The Short, Definitive Guide to Green(er) Marketing
You are in charge of so many facets of your world. In fact, you even have a responsibility for the world around you. And, you can make a big difference every day when it comes to waste and how it affects the Earth.
Supporting Sustainability – Looking Back on 2018
From supporting eco-conscious printers to sponsoring zero waste events to giving love to businesses focused on sustainability, we had a great first year!
Composting Made Easy (like, way easier than you think)
Composting is not as complicated as you think it is. I mean, yes, sure, the SCIENTIFIC PROCESS of what is happening during composting is super complex. But you doing it? Stop making it a bigger deal than it needs to be. Pretend like you HAVE to compost Because in some cities, you do. I don’t … Read More
Favorite Sustainable Products – March
Helping, once again, to make life a little less waste-y, we’ve gathered a fabulous group of eco friendly products. Maybe I’ve been spending too much time in the kitchen lately but this month, we focus mainly on kitchen items. Storing, preserving and cleaning are just a few ways to cut back on waste and reduce … Read More
Traveling and Consuming Less
Whenever I travel, it seems nearly impossible to maintain any behavior of consuming less. Tickets with bizarre layovers, tiny drinks in plastic cups, freezing cold air-conditioned rooms, copious amounts of takeout foods in un-recyclable containers–it seems endless. Even if I pack my own snacks and bring my own washable water bottle I still end up … Read More